Monday, October 7, 2013

Difficult Conversation.

Adam Smith,Frederick Nietzsche, Max Stirner, Karl Marx, Michael Bakunin, and Leon Tolstoy were sitting in a bar. Smoke emanated from numerous pipes and clung to the stagnant and hot air of the bar. The sun had long set and the conversation of the men had drifted to long winded discussion about society and what structure it should take.

Adam Smith: "Society will prosper without the constraint of government regulation in the economy. Businesses should be completely unregulated that way they can innovate without fear of unjust governmental despotism."
 Bakunin, Marx and Tolstoy immediately yelled "what about the lot of the common man. The conditions facilitated by capitalism have led to an inordinate divide between rich and poor."

Marx: the proletariat must eliminate class divisions and create collectively owned  factories and farms based on  the structure of workers council. They must first establish socialism prior to creating communism in order to create the necessary conditions."
"Damn you to hell" yelled Bakunin the irate anarchist this will lead only to bourgeois taking over in another form. Instead the must immediately  form collectivist  factories and farms and form democratic councils without forming socialism."

Tolstoy: "You have it all wrong you have to create communism but not through godless revolution. The state is abomination against god. Resources must be shared among all people like the communal christian societies of the old Roman Empire. God must be on the lips of  the proletariat."

Then Tolstoy proceeded to ask Nietzsche and Stirner about their thoughts on the matter.
Stirner and Nietzsche tired of the discussion killed everyone else in the bar and proceeded to drink their whiskey.

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