Monday, October 28, 2013

Transcript of an interview with my mother regarding raising children.

After eating dinner we went to the living to conduct an interview. I asked my mother about the challenges of raising kids and the benefits it has had upon her. I asked her about experience as a child and how her childhood shapes her parenting style. I also asked about the unique challenges each child presents in regards to raising that child.

AL: What have been the challenges of raising kid?
Mom: Well the hardest part on me is having my kids do behavior that is directly counter-intuitive to their well being and that they still pursue this action to spite me. I also have trouble with the constant infighting among you kids.

AL: Any instances in particular or any moments  in time that have been the most challenging in regards to raising kids or getting them to adhere to rules?
Mom: Well, when all of my kids including you were about 4 years old you all were very tiring. Now it seems that you and your sister were both extremely tough during your tween years now you both seem mellowed out. I wonder how things will pan out will Juliana when she reaches the tween years.

AL: What have been the benefits of raising children or how have you changes as a person by this experience.
Mom: I have learned not to put myself forward so much and to think of others. Kids have taught me that being an egoist is not the best thing and that you have to devote yourself you helping others. I had to learn to be up around the clock helping you as a newborn. The biggest benefit I get is simply the pure joy of having you guy with me on this life. Words cannot express the sheer joy you guys give me.

Al: How have your childhood experiences shaped your  parenting views or the methods you use to teach your own children.
Mom: Well, my mother tried to be strict but not too strict. I like to give my children some leisure time however I still ensure they do chores and homework. My philosophy however is that if you are excessively strict and constantly bearing down upon your children then they will rebel and do the opposite of what you trying to get them to do. However if you are too lenient and you act like a pushover then that will not work out either. The key to being a good parent is finding a balance between excessive strictness and lack thereof.

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